Filed Under: Como?!? Two Fighter Jets Chasing UFO in Britain Captured on Video

So kiddas, apparently a cameraman(not purposely) filmed 2 English fighter jets chasing what appears to be a UFO. Now now, I know what you're thinking, this UFO story again? No, you're not 8 yrs old again, waiting for your mom to check out of thee grocery store as you notice covers of trash magazines UFO sightings. But if you watch the video clip down below, which is only 30 seconds long, it is thought to have been shot from a West Midlands service station car stationed in Britain.

“This is one of the best videos I’ve seen. It could be a new drone that might explain the military jets,” the Sun quoted Nick Pope, who probed UFO sightings for the Ministry of Defence.

“But you don’t normally test-fly secret projects in daylight. Alternatively, this could be the real thing, a UFO in our airspace and military aircraft scrambled to intercept, probably due to it being tracked on radar,” he added.

Here is the 'UFO' as captured from thee recording.

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