Kim Jones & Luke Smalley

Stunning photos from Kim Jones, a book collaboration between British menswear designer kim Jones with American art photographer Luke Smalley, published in April 2004 by Twin Palms. The book was limited to 1000 copies and is not anymore available.

Click on photos to enlarge ;)

Kim Jones, remembers collaborating with Smalley: “I remember shooting in an old Amish village with Luke during the winter — I think it must have been 15 degrees. The model, Ambrose Olsen, was freezing and shaking in the cold — he later told me that he wouldn’t have done it for anyone else except Luke because he was such a great guy.” He continued, “Luke cared so much about everything in his work that everyone involved wanted to make anything happen for him. He was such a great talent who was underestimated by many, but I’m sure future generations will appreciate everything he’s done.”

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