INYIM Media Back To The Future: It's Nostalgic Fun-Toy, Galoob’s Splash Out!

INYIM Media Back To The Future: It's Nostalgic Fun-Toy, Galoob’s Splash Out!

"Galoob’s Splash Out!

Since Memorial Day is seen as the unofficial start of summer, let’s pay tribute to a 90s summer toy star: Splash Out! Despite the kids of today having approximately 9,875,612 options when it comes to treating the condition known as boredoutoftheirminds, the summer game Splash Out still exists and you can still buy it. I don’t know how many kids of today play that shit, but back in simpler times of the early-90s, it was a thrilling and riveting way to pass the time. The original Splash Out was made by Galoob, which doesn’t exist anymore, and it was the 90s lawn game baby of Hot Potato and water balloons.

Splash Out was so simple that even I could play it. You filled up a balloon with water and put it in the plastic ball cage before setting the timer. Then you and your friends and family quickly tossed it to each other. Whoever got caught holding it when the timer went off, got a splash of water to the face and up the nose holes. I know, Galoob really missed out on an opportunity to market this as a neti pot for kids. In this commercial from the 1990s, it shows a thrilling and heartstopping Splash Out match. But Splash Out was also known to not work every time, so sometimes the person holding the ball when the timer went off, got splashed with a serving of womp womp instead of water.

The Splash Out that is sold today is different. It involves really using your brain. At the beginning of every match, a card is pulled and whoever pulls the card has to choose a question for all players to answer (example: Can you name a video game?). When the game begins, the player holding the Splash Out ball has to answer the question before passing it off to the next player and that player has to answer the question too before passing it off to the next player, and so on. I’m sorry but that’s wrong. School is supposed to be over! You shouldn’t be answering quiz questions in the summertime unless you’re getting school credit! But seriously, Splash Out could be a great adult game for messes too if you fill the balloons with booze instead of water. But then again, that would be the most boring game ever, because one drunk mess would always hold onto the ball like, “Oh I’m so nervous that my hands are frozen with fear and I can’t toss the ball,” while waiting to get a vodka shot to the mouth."

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