Ice Cube's Brilliant “Arrest The President”

"Arrest the president, you got the evidence/ That nigga is Russian intelligence.” That's right carebears, those are thee exact lyrics Ice Cube is rapping on his brand new spankin' track. He has signed sealed delivered the fate of the man currently holding hostage the White House. Ice Cube on his new tune delivers a righteous infused truth spilling moment.

Appropriately entitled “Arrest The President”, it's sonics sound like the early 1990s at it's finest. But its lyrical relevance is what phenomenally unleashes the fire back to the microphone once again.

Its piano-driven bass banger is thee first official single off Ice Cube’s upcoming album "Everythang’s Corrupt".  A record he’s been working on since 2012. Choosing an appropriate timezone to release it, “Arrest The President” finds him seriously yet hilariously, mixing the two elements impeccably.

Without further ado, whip it, flip it, and get into the powerful uptempo groove that is Ice Cube's, “Arrest The President”.

"Everythang’s Corrupt" is out 12/7 via Interscope.

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