"No Excuses" Meghan Trianor Says! And We Agree!

There are 'No Excuses' for disrespect and hateration in Meghan Trainor's perfectly put new tune "No Excuses." It packs a powerful far out roar with vintage guitars and a catchy fun pop melody. The lyrics theme is a tale as old as time.

We've been saying it since the dawn of dinosaurs. Calling out those fake news claimers, coattail riding manipulative obsessive stalkers of the world here's 13 reasons more why enough is enough and cast away all these wannabe bobbleheads!

It also reminds us carebears of another little pop ditty that came out during Destiny's Child's heyday which innocently got us through the harassment and exploitation of our youngin' coming of age days. #TimeIsUp

I don't fancy you too much, child
I don't fancy you too much
You think you're cute, you think you're fine
You're always trying to steal my shine
Get off of me, don't mess with me
You know who you are

I've always been so nice to you
Helping you girl, there for
You always tried to compete with me
Using me, abusing me
Flirtin' with every friend of mine you see
Especially if the friend calls me their best friend
Baby where's your self-esteem
Find your own identity
(Your head ain't right) No congratulating schemer
(Your head ain't right) You's a liar and a backstabber
And I don't want you I don't want you I don't want you no more
Don't come knockin' at my door
I know what you came here for, but if you didn't know I KNOW then now you know

Friend Lord knows that I've tried
No matter how much I give to you, you wanna use me for what I got
You take me kindness for weakness, you take advantage of people
One day you shall reap what you sew, friend get your head up out the delusions clouds

I won't say no names

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