Shirley & Fiona....Alas!

Now-new era legend alternative pop scream queen Fiona Apple was invited on stage by equal musical match, an icon in her own right, lead dynamite powerhouse vocalist-songwriter of the band Garbage, Shirley Manson. Both glamourpusses astounded the viewers alike with a guest to cover "You Don't Own Me" with a complete orchestra and strings to accompany the alluring performance.

Shirley Manson was headlining Girlschool, a festival celebrating female-identifying artists, in Los Angeles. Fiona strutted out at the very end of her medley to assist with the Lesley Gore 1963 hit. Lets not bobblehead ourselves away and ignore Fiona's garment top gummi bears. She did it while shimming a homemade “Kneel, Portnow” shirt, in connection to Grammys president Neil Portnow and his obliviously unfortunate controversial comment about women having to “step up” to win more recognition.

Fiona like the stellar queen that she is knocked out with her uniquely dazzling voice. As Shirley in her moody maddening transcendent hollowing made for an impeccable vocal parring!!

With much fire under these gals belly, videophone or not, true talent is true talent and no matter the contraption, sheer genius musicality will always peak shine like a lighthouse.

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