Alejandro Rodríguez, Ferran Calderon, Knut Roertveit, and Graham Winfield Go for the Gold for Axel Magazine

Dash­ing Divers–For its debut issue, Axel Mag­a­zine pays trib­ute to the Sum­mer 2012 Olympics with a splash-​​worthy edi­to­r­ial titled, “Olympic Heroes,” fea­tur­ing Sight mod­els Ale­jan­dro Rodríguez, Fer­ran Calderon, Knut Roertveit, and Gra­ham Win­field. In the lens of pho­tog­ra­pher YOYE, the mod­els embrace the strength of an Olympian, jux­ta­posed against the crisp, geo­met­ric lines of the swim­ming pool. Out­fit­ted by Esau Yori in labels such as Dries van Noten, Dior Homme, and Marc Jacobs, the poised men are sleek and pris­tine above the shim­mer­ing reflec­tion of the pool. /​ Groom­ing by Inma Cifre. Courtesy of -


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