YACHT Welcomes Shangri-La

YACHT, have just dropped their new video for "Shangri-La."

The clip features the synth-pop group taking part in group tai chi, drinking green smoothies, eating gelato, and basically every other California activity you have ever heard of.

"Shangri-La" is off YACHT's Shangri-La EP, out now via DFA.

Director: Brandon Vedder
Director of Photography: Colin Mika
Editor: Brandon Vedder
Colorist: Colin Mika
Production Company: All Cut Up Films

You can't spell Shangri-La without L.A.

Shangri-La features dozens of extended members of the YACHT family--fans, collaborators, friends--sharing a space of our own invention, spotted with magical realism. Every point of light smiles. YACHT believes that Utopia, like reality, is not a physical experience, nor one dictated by the boundaries of a particular space. Rather, it's a movable feast, defined by its capacity to adapt and change to new surroundings.

Basically, any place can be Utopia.

But it doesn't hurt when that place is already Los Angeles.

Shangri-La was made in collaboration with All Cut Up Films. Brandon Vedder directed and edited it, and Colin Mika was the director of photography and colorist. We, YACHT, produced and styled.

YACHT - Shangri-La from Jona Bechtolt on Vimeo.

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