Galliano Shall Do The Honors

Old pals, Kate Moss and legendary fashion designer John Galliano, will be teaming up once again, but this time for a slightly different kind of project.

Kate Moss has scouted the long-time friend/associate to design her wedding dress for her upcoming wedding to rocker front man, Jamie Hince of "The Kills". The Daily Mail asked equally famed fashion designer Vivienne Westwood, whether she'd consider the offer had she'd been asked by Moss herself. The designer stated, " She has done her own fashion range and she knows about clothes. She knows what she is doing, she doesn’t need my help."

But, after it's official release via the Telegraph, it seems that
Kate will indeed need a helping hand after all. It's being reported that Kate spilled the news during London's Fashion Week while in attendance at a Topshop dinner. Kate and John are longtime mates, so this dress shall undoubtedly look simply stupendous, we think.

"A younger Kate Moss and Galliano prepare for the runway show."

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