Graceful actress Michelle Williams along with her equally handsome "Blue Valentine" co-star Ryan Gosling have some words of reality to share during their interviews for W Magazine. Dig it below iddas.

Michelle, do you spend a lot of time online?... I actively stay away from reading about myself. But I am a slave to my computer. I don’t think that’s good—would Tolstoy even have written Anna Karenina if there were an Internet? I hate myself when I e-mail. E-mail is like a dopamine hit—you wait for it and then you get it. I gave up my computer during my last movie, Meek’s Cutoff, which is a period piece about a woman on the Oregon Trail. I took to letter writing. My girlfriends got some great letters. But when it ended I was back on e-mail. I’m an addict.

Ryan, you’re from Canada, but you seem distinctly American. You don’t have a Canadian accent.... As a kid I decided that a Canadian accent doesn’t sound tough. I thought guys should sound like Marlon Brando. So now I have a phony accent that I can’t shake, so it’s not phony anymore. I’m going for the Madonna thing, the Lady Gaga thing—a phony accent that becomes your trademark.

Dig Ryan and Michelle’s far out interview at WMagazine.com!

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