Whoa! Meet The Real Grumpy Smurf

"Mayor Ben Gumataotao, the 200-year-old (at least) mayor of a village in Guam who punched another mayor during a legislative public hearing yesterday.

In the video below, Mayor Ben G is trying to take an afternoon nap during a hearing on some uninteresting news when Mayor Nonito Blas, who dressed up for the occasion, strolls in and greets him by tapping him on the shoulder. BIG MISTAKE. Mayor Ben G greeted Mayor Blas back by getting up and punching him before sitting back down to resume his nap. That's gangsta! Punch! Pow! Zzzzz!

Mayor Ben G later apologized and said he hit at Mayor Blas because he doesn't like being touched. Mayor Nonita accepted his apology and said, "From now I'm not going to touch him. I will just kiss him. Maybe he will accept that. I will still greet him."

Mayor Ben G did not need to throw an "I'm Sowwies" at Mayor Blas. Mayor Blas was in the wrong here. Everybody knows you don't sneak up behind an older person. That's like sneaking up behind a schizophrenic horse. If they don't suffer a heart attack, they will kick and punch at you." -Dlist

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