The Real-Life Edward Scissorhands!

Meet Valentino LoSauro, the real-life Edward Scissorhands!

In the movies, Edward Scissorhands looks like Johnny Depp but the real-life Eddy S.Hands is Valentino LoSauro and he is the inventor of a hair-cutting product called CLAWZ. 'It's called CLAWZ instead of Claws, because everyone knows only awesome things end with the letter "z."

Valentino, who hails from Fort Myers, FL, has spent nearly $300,000 perfecting his invention. He sells CLAWZ in his salon for $120 a pair. Valentino says that with CLAWZ you will cut hair in half the time. Valentino explained to The Sun, "It took me a couple of years from the launch of the prototype in around 2001 to become really proficient with them. Now though I can motor through hair cuts and they are much quicker than usual scissors. I can't believe the time it took beforehand. Most customers are a bit apprehensive at first when they see my smiling face with my razor sharp fingers. But come the end of the hair cut they are stunned by the quality." -Dlist

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