Allow Us To Introduce You To Empathetic Groovers, The A’s & Their Tantalizing Moody Cover Of “He Needs Me.”

Allow us to introduce you to empathetic groovers, The A’s and their tantalizing moody cover of “He Needs Me.”

Fellow artists Amelia Meath (Sylvan Essos) and Alexandra Sauser-Monnig (Daughter Of Swords) have been making  magic music for a while now in another group called Mountain Man. Now the stellar twosome have teamed up to form a new group called the A’s. 

Off their debut album, Fruit. This album shall apparently include yodeling folk songs (reimagined lullabies,) classic ballads, and standards. Besides thee one original song, “When I Die.” 

The smashing duo has outshined themselves unleashing single and album opener “He Needs Me”. Originally done by Harry Nilsson and Shelley Duvall in the 1980’s timeless Popeye. 

Without further ado. Get into The' A's groove With INYIM Media latest hit parade. Thee inescapable “He Needs Me” featured right below!

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